2024 Award Details
CSA Members Awards Program
Jones F. Devlin Safety Award
The Jones F. Devlin Safety Award is one of two safety programs CSA has sponsored since 1968. The award publicly recognizes the skills and dedication of the men and women who are responsible for safe vessel operations. The award, which is open to CSA members and non-members alike, is presented at the Annual Safety Awards Luncheon held in New Orleans in June each year. The Board encourages all vessel owners and operators to nominate their compliant vessels for this award.
How to Qualify
How to Qualify
Jones F. Devlin Safety Award Certificates are awarded to all manned merchant vessels that have operated for two full years or more without a crew member losing a full turn at watch because of an occupational injury.
To qualify for a Jones F. Devlin Safety Award Certificate:
- A vessel must be in operation with a full crew
- Days in protracted lay-up resulting in crew reduction are not considered days in operation
- Two plus years without a crew member missing a full turn at watch due to an occupational injury
Non-members participating in the Jones F. Devlin Safety Awards program will pay a nominal participation fee to cover the costs to administer the program and produce the certificates.
Ship Safety Achievement Award
The Ship Safety Achievement Award is one of two safety programs CSA has sponsored since 1968. The award publicly recognizes the skills and dedication of the men and women who are responsible for performing outstanding feats of safety during a calendar year. The award, which is open to CSA members and non-members alike, is presented at the Annual Safety Awards Luncheon held in New Orleans in June each year.
How to Qualify
Vessels are recognized for performing outstanding feats of safety during a calendar year which may include, but are not limited to:
- Rescue
- Assistance to distressed vessels
- Transfer of ill or injured persons under difficult sea conditions
- Demonstrations of safety and ship operations which have contributed to saving a life or a ship
- Actions in which the vessel and crew as a whole were involved
All vessels, including container ships, tankers, Great Lakes carriers, offshore supply vessels, tugboats, etc., representing all segments of the industry (international and domestic deep-sea, coastwise and inland) are eligible to participate in this award program.
Environmental Achievement Award
The Environmental Achievement Awards are a great opportunity for owners and operators to recognize the accomplishments of their mariners and shore-side staff. While the public hears of instances when there are environmental problems, they should know that this industry has an excellent record of environmental accomplishment. The awards were initiated to let our seagoing and shore-side personnel know that we appreciate all they do as good stewards of our marine environment. The Board encourages all vessel owners and operators to nominate their compliant vessels for this award.
How to Qualify
The awards are given to the recipients at a dinner ceremony in Washington, DC in the fall which is attended by high-level Federal officials from the Administration, Congress, CG, Maritime Administration, EPA, Department of State and Embassies.
To be eligible for the award, a vessel must have at least a two-year period of the following:
- No reportable spills (a report of a “potential spill” is not disqualifying)
- No U.S. Coast Guard citations for violations of MARPOL
- No port state citations for violations of MARPOL
- No violations of state/local pollution regulations
Vessels are eligible for awards beyond the initial two year period.
Non-members participating in the Environmental Awards program will pay a nominal participation fee to cover the costs to administer the program and produce the certificates.
2024 By The Numbers
Current CSA Members
Our maritime members include U.S. based companies that own, operate or charter oceangoing tank, container, dry bulk vessels, roll-on/roll-off or special purpose vessels engaged in both the domestic and international trades and companies that maintain a commercial interest in the operation of such oceangoing vessels.